.. title: Phoenix Rising .. slug: phoenix-rising .. date: 2018-06-18 20:35:27 UTC+01:00 .. tags: blog .. category: general .. link: .. description: .. type: text Like the proverbial phoenix rising from the ashes, almost six years later this blog is reborn. This reincarnation sees a few changes on the technologies behind the scenes: * The Static Site / Blog Generator powering the blog is now `Nikola `_. *Nikola* is implemented in *Python*, supports all the features I need, such as multiple kinds of markup for the posts (including *reStructuredText* and *Markdown*), and is an active project. * Hosting has moved to `GitLab Pages `_ (the source repository is now also hosted in `GitLab `_ — I guess my `Microsoft phobia `_ got the better of me). * The blog content is now automatically built when changes are merged or pushed to the master branch of the source repository courtesy of `GitLab CI/CD `_. * *GitLab Pages* hosting allows custom domains with TLS, so following the `HTTPS Everywhere `_ mantra and using a `Let's Encrypt `_ certificate, this blog is now served over HTTPS. Here's hoping that this time around I'll be able to regale my gentle readers with regular and interesting content!